Orchestra Lumos

Orchestra Lumos featured image

Orchestra Lumos

Repositioning and relaunching the Stamford Symphony to realize an expansive new vision

Orchestra Lumos (formerly Stamford Symphony) had ambitious goals: they wanted (and needed) to expand beyond their historic Stamford, Connecticut footprint to all of Fairfield County; substantially broaden the geographic reach for their educational offerings; more deeply penetrate the areas where their core attendees and donors lived; attract and retain more diverse audiences; and significantly ramp up individual giving.

Additionally, they needed to promote the quality of their musicians and offerings: almost every town in Connecticut has its own orchestra, and Stamford Symphony needed to clearly differentiate itself from more local enterprises of lesser quality. They had to overcome low brand awareness, be seen as relevant and engaging, shed the often-negative brand attributes associated with “Stamford,” and overcome the belief that quality could only be found in New York City.

In concert with helping leadership refine their new vision and strategy, we worked with a core team of leadership, staff, board, and musicians to investigate and agree on a new name that would help them to achieve their goals—a name that all enthusiastically embraced.

We developed positioning statements, key storylines, and a messaging framework comprised of a high-level message paired with more specific constituent-focused messages. Visually, we explored a range of options to bring “Lumos” to light, and developed a distinctive, exuberant primary identifier that helps tell the organization’s story. We then built out a visual brand system that is welcoming, unexpected, and unifies their different offerings.

Because the new name was evocative and not self-explanatory, we created materials that would support a “flip the switch” launch strategy and start to build awareness and understanding quickly. The first marketing communications projected (literally) the Orchestra’s owned and aspirational brand attributes—and we provided the assets and counsel to bring all print, digital, and social communications quickly into the new brand.



  • Re-invent the orchestra’s brand to enable it to achieve its ambitious new vision
  • Communicate the ensemble’s artistic excellence
  • Expand the orchestra’s reach: beyond Stamford— and beyond the concert hall
  • Attract and retain more diverse audiences
  • Bolster awareness of, and participation in, more robust educational offerings
  • Broaden the donor base / increase contributed income
  • Engender regional ownership
  • Evolve a differentiated position among local orchestras
  • Better compete with New York City offerings


  • Conducted qualitative research across the organization—including audiences and donors
  • Evolved guiding brand attributes
  • Developed criteria for a new name and facilitated an inclusive process with board, staff, and musicians
  • Developed new positioning: where they could win
  • Drafted a multilevel messaging framework
  • Created a dynamic new primary identifier and comprehensive visual brand system
  • Planned, wrote, designed, and produced brand-launch communications
  • Created seasonal marketing communications
  • Provided assets and counsel to bring their existing website into brand
  • Documented the brand system in detail
  • Delivered an asset that continues to serve the organization well


  • Close partnership with core team and board
  • Extensive qualitative research
  • Internal / competitive / peer communications audits
  • Vision evolution
  • Brand strategy / positioning
  • Naming criteria / development
  • Message development
  • Logo / visual system
  • Print, digital, social communications
  • System documentation + training

A new name, brand meaning, and logo

In place of the Orchestra’s limiting, city-specific name and generic symbol, we collaborated to evolve a new, evocative name—and a primary identifier that integrates the name and new symbol. The radiating marks speak to diversity, unexpected programming, geographic reach—and light.

Messaging that brings Orchestra Lumos into the light

High-level messaging riffs on and explains “Lumos.” The Orchestra “shines brilliantly,” it “illuminates the power and beauty of music,” and there is “blazing intensity.” It also brings forward the main positioning points and key brand attributes.

Orchestra Lumos shines brilliantly across Fairfield County, sharing the passion and energy of the region’s most talented musicians to create exhilarating musical experiences of the highest quality—for audiences from all walks of life. Led by one of America’s foremost conductors, Music Director Michael Stern, the orchestra illuminates the power and beauty of music—across genres, formats, and venues.

Blazing with the intensity and artistry you’d expect only in New York City, Orchestra Lumos welcomes, celebrates, and engages our richly varied communities. Whether you’re a classical aficionado excited to hear an internationally renowned guest artist, a first-time concertgoer seeking a fun night out, or a family looking for an entertaining afternoon, you’ll be thrilled, entranced, and recharged.

Imagery to engage

To fully communicate Orchestra Lumos’ story, and connect with ever-wider audiences and donors, the group’s communications embrace imagery in four categories: musicians and community, guest artists, locations, and interpretive imagery.

Expressing the brand, changing perceptions

Because the new name was evocative and not self-explanatory, we created materials that would support a “flip the switch” launch strategy and start to build awareness and understanding quickly. The first marketing communications projected (literally) the Orchestra’s owned and aspirational brand attributes—plus Bugs. Gradations of warm colors reinforce the radiating new primary identifier.

Seasonal marketing materials telegraph “accessible,” “for you,” and light

Print marketing materials tell stories. Images are rendered with light shining on them. The Orchestra’s initiative to bring music to everyone across Fairfield County is brought forward. And all communications break down barriers for prospective new audiences by eschewing music-jargon: there are no references to “repertoire”—and instead of “chamber music” Orchestra Lumos brings audiences “Small Space” concerts.

Stamford Symphony had a bold new vision: to expand beyond Stamford to better serve our core audiences, engage more diverse audiences, expand our educational offerings, and deliver more music—from concert halls to classrooms and from libraries to breweries—and to increase contributed income. We also needed to compete not only with local organizations, but with the New York Philharmonic and Carnegie Hall. Sametz Blackstone completely internalized our vision and brought their considerable industry expertise, ability to manage diverse constituencies toward consensus—and their strategy, writing, and design skills—to help us achieve our ambitious goals.”

Russell Jones

President and CEO Orchestra Lumos

Translating the new brand to all audience touchpoints

We provided the assets and counsel to bring all print, digital, and social communications quickly into the new brand—working closely with leadership and in-house staff to ensure that all print, digital, and social communications performed their tactical jobs well and worked hard to introduce and reinforce Orchestra Lumos’ new brand.

We economically reworked Orchestra Lumos’ existing website to be a great exponent of the new brand. Their distinctive color palette and typography—combined with straightforward, engaging language—welcome all.

Offering-specific print and digital communications bring together all of Orchestra Lumos’ brand elements: imagery of place, light, and storytelling—combined with their signature typographic and color palettes.

Signature brand elements closely tie Orchestra Lumos’ website, print and digital ads, and their social presence together, ensuring that each marketing dollar reinforces every other one.

Realizing the vision

In addition to performing on its historic main stage in Stamford, Orchestra Lumos is now bringing the joy and power of music—and music education—all across Fairfield County. The vision is becoming reality.

Brand book

Informed by their research and internal and external audits, the Sametz team led us through an inclusive and thorough process to arrive at our shining new name; collaboratively evolved new messaging; devised an unexpected, energetic, and energizing new visual system; and created compelling print, digital, and social communications. They’ve been great partners: understanding us, our landscape, our challenges, and our opportunities—and helping us to move further and faster than we had imagined possible.”

Russell Jones