Curtis Institute of Music

Curtis Institute of Music featured image

Curtis Institute of Music

Evolving a storied conservatory’s brand to continue to attract the most talented students—and raise funds

Since 1924, Curtis Institute of Music has been quietly educating and training young musicians of exceptional talent. Tuition-free from its founding—and one of the most selective schools in the country—Curtis provides each member of its small student body an unparalleled educational experience. Curtis alumni go on to prestigious orchestras around the world—or invent careers that bring the power and possibilities of music to their communities.

And Curtis—like classical music as a whole—was evolving. They’d expanded their global footprint and offerings with tours, a recording label, an innovation lab, and virtual performances. Simultaneously, the conservatory landscape had become more competitive, and Curtis, despite its enviable hundred-year legacy, had lower brand recognition than some of its peers.

The school had also been less focused on fundraising than it needed to be—especially important as Curtis’ endowment is the engine that funds the entire enterprise. There was work to do: it was time for the school to emerge from being a best kept secret.

We started by designing and executing a deep qualitative and quantitative research program—the latter in concert with Kate Prescott & Associates. (This was Curtis’ first foray into research.) We also audited the communications Curtis produced, as well as those from relevant / competitive educational and performing institutions. From our findings, we first assembled guiding brand attributes in three dimensions. We then crafted an updated vision statement, evolved brand positioning, a realignment of their areas of focus, and a brand architecture that positions their new initiatives to advantage. We also identified “ways in” for prospective donors.

With this foundation in place, we developed a comprehensive messaging framework—and to make the most of their upcoming centennial, we collaborated to strategize, research, write, design, and produce a capital campaign case and book.

Across all this work, we involved concentric circles of stakeholders: from the earliest interviews and surveys, to multiple board and staff presentations—through to facilitating messaging workshops where staff and board put the new messaging to work. These efforts both encouraged buy-in and built an informed, fluent corps of brand and fundraising ambassadors.



  • Through qualitative and quantitative* research, understand how Curtis is perceived by a wide variety of stakeholders
  • Gain insights into the behaviors, needs, and goals of students, audience members, and donors
  • Help ensure that the school can continue to attract the most talented young musicians
  • Bolster attendance at performances
  • Encourage philanthropic giving
  • Engage / re-engage alumni
  • Develop consistent, resonant messaging that can be embraced across the school
  • Rationalize the school’s brand architecture of programs and initiatives
  • Engage the organization in a shared enterpriseCelebrate the school’s centennial and make the most of this opportunity

*Quantitative research designed and executed by Kate Prescott & Associates


  • Through in-depth audits, analyzed competitive schools’ positioning, offerings—and approaches to marketing and fundraising
  • Defined Curtis’ position in an increasingly competitive landscape by discovering, defining, and articulating what is most compelling and valuable about a Curtis education—and performances
  • Put in place a new brand strategy that better aligns with who the school is—and is becoming—and where it could (continue to) win
  • Developed key storylines, high-level messages, and constituent-and program-focused messages
  • Identified “ways in” for current and prospective donors
  • Planned, researched, wrote, designed, and produced a centennial fundraising case to bolster the school’s endowment
  • Designed and led faculty, staff, and board workshops to ensure buy-in and to develop a deep corps of fluent brand ambassadors


  • Extensive qualitative research
  • Internal / competitive communications audits of both conservatories and performing organizations
  • Comprehensive finding sand recommendations brief
  • Brand strategy /architecture
  • Guiding brand attributes
  • Messaging framework
  • Capital campaign research, strategy, writing, design, and production
  • Board and staff workshops

Research and analysis

We conducted 100 interviews with Curtis students, faculty, leadership, administration, board, donors, audience members, alumni, presenters, and industry influencers to learn about their perceptions and what they value most about Curtis.

Differentiators to bring forward

Curtis is unique in that it is both a prestigious school and a performing organization. Based on our research, we recommended what to bring forward.



  • Tuition-free
  • Stellar reputation for the best music education
  • Faculty-artists: world renowned / relationships
  • Alumni successes
  • Student talent / surrounded and inspired by
    like-minded, exceptional peers
  • Small size / low ratio / individualized attention
  • Supportive / familial environment
  • Unparalleled number of performance opportunities: local, global, and digital
  • Industry relationships, especially Philadelphia Orchestra / career placement
  • Inspiring history / facilities / paired with innovative initiatives
  • Culturally rich location with many opportunities, proximity to NYC + DC


  • Extraordinary young talent / energy you won’t see elsewhere
  • Consistent excellence: trust in Curtis
  • Inspiring environment
  • Intimate performances
  • Connection to students
  • Often unique blend of faculty, alumni, and students
  • Convenience: a Rittenhouse Square neighborhood gem
  • Interesting repertoire
  • Integral part of Philadelphia and its cultural fabric / vibrant location
  • Growing new music scene

Brand positioning

Where Curtis can continue to win: the school’s evolved brand positioning distills key attributes, builds on its heritage, and looks forward.

At Curtis Institute of Music, the world’s most talented young musicians develop into exceptional artists and creators—continuing an unparalleled 100-year legacy of alumni who have led, and will lead, classical music into a thriving, equitable, multidimensional future.

With a tuition-free foundation, Curtis is distinguished by intensive, individualized study with the most renowned, sought-after faculty; its wealth of performance opportunities; close connection to the greatest artists and organizations in classical music; and full range of technological and digital resources—all within an inspiring, supportive environment that brings together excellence, artistry, and innovation.

Messaging in action

The school’s homepage brings forward the short version of the new high-level messaging / positioning. Subsequent pages bring different messaging storylines to life.

Sametz helped us understand, distill, and articulate Curtis’ promise and gave us compelling messaging and language to use across the school—so that we can continue to attract the best students, and be understood for who we are today and who we are becoming. They were a true collaborator and gave us the tools to connect with our many diverse constituents— and build engagement and support.”

Vince Ford

Senior Vice President, Digital Strategy & Innovation, Curtis Institute of Music

An evolved brand ecosystem

To emphasize forward motion, the school had linked “Teaching… Touring… Technology.” But our research and analysis recommended that “Teaching and learning” be paramount, with “Performance” and “Innovation” (as opposed to the more limited “Touring” and “Technology”) placed in the service of “Teaching and learning.” Sharing music—locally and globally—along with recruitment and fundraising are all integrated in this new brand ecosystem model.

Raising funds: Curtis’ centennial capital campaign

Curtis’ endowment is the engine that supports the school’s tuition-free education, individualized teaching with sought-after faculty, a wealth of performance opportunities—and new innovative programs. To make the most of the school’s centennial, we collaborated to strategize, research, write, design, and produce a compelling case statement and book.

The book is structured to meet prospective donors where they are—to allow donors to find their own points of connection. It both celebrates the school’s unparalleled legacy… and looks forward.

Curtis has educated and nurtured the world’s most celebrated performers and composers and helped drive the evolution and vitality of classical music for one hundred years. But while Curtis’ history is impressive, it is essential that we always look to the future. Sametz helped us craft messaging and communications to resonate with donors’ diverse passions and priorities—and developed a persuasive capital campaign statement and book. This collaboration is helping us to bolster our endowment, continue to educate and train talented young musicians, and advance classical music for the next century.”

Roberto Díaz

President and CEO, Curtis Institute of Music