One of the biggest challenges every nonprofit faces is the need to balance awareness building and fundraising with the work that launched them in the first place. Effective communications take time and money to develop—time and money that could be spent on people in need, preserving a forest, designating landmarks, or ensuring a rare bird doesn’t face extinction. But if you’re not out there in the world, actively establishing the need and your answer to it, you won’t draw the resources required to pursue your vision.
For the many mission-driven organizations we work with, communicating on a budget presents both a challenge and an opportunity.
- The challenge? To engage with your existing and potential donors in such a way that they feel invested in your efforts, and compelled to support them… without spending a mint or overwhelming their generosity.
- The opportunity? To stand out from the crowd of organizations in your space, to develop an unmistakable brand—and to build a community of loyal, lifelong donors.
Given that we live in a noisy, multi-channel world, and people face multiple “asks” every day, it takes a consistent, thoughtful, intentional effort to make those connections.
We call it “mosaic branding”: creating and arranging a rich mosaic of communications, both organization- and crowd-generated, where each tile is carefully positioned relative to the others to form a brand mural people can understand and believe in—and, mostly importantly, invest in. You can’t control everything that’s said about you or your cause out in the world—but the stronger your brand becomes, the more it can influence those voices for the better.
So how do you accomplish that on a budget? By crafting an authentic, compelling verbal and visual system—a set of consistent, immediately recognizable approaches you draw on for every brochure, email, appeal, case statement, letter, campaign update, or tweet you send.