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Sara Hartleben


As a Designer, Sara collaborates with our clients and the Design team to help our clients connect with the audiences who matter most to them through compelling visual design across media. Sara earned her BFA in Graphic Design from the College of Arts, Media, and Design (CAMD) at Northeastern University. Her clients at Sametz Blackstone include Jacksonville Symphony, Boston Philharmonic, Center for Inclusive Computing, and Detroit Opera.

If it’s nice out, you’ll find Sara running or biking on the Minuteman trail. If it’s not (because we’re in New England…), she can be found making dinner with friends, getting (much too) competitive at trivia, or diving into a good book or movie. Everyone at Sametz Blackstone is a collector, and Sara is no exception: concert posters and blind box tchotchkes (Smiskies, in particular) are her favorites.